Travel Resources

One of the great advantages of hang gliding and paragliding is the ability to fold or pack up a glider and hop on a flight to anywhere in the world. Just as surfers have circled the globe chasing perfect waves, so too have free flying pilots traveled far and wide in search of friendly skies and adventurous outlandings.

USHPA Member Requirements

  1. Foreign Flying Regulations: Foreign governments may have different regulations for hang gliding and paragliding. All pilots and instructors must comply with the local laws where they intend to fly or train. USHPA has no authority outside the USA and it is incumbent on pilots and instructors to verify if and how hang gliding and paragliding activity is authorized in those countries.
  2. Foreign Organizations: You may also be required to join other national organizations to obtain their local insurance and sign corresponding waivers that protect flying sites, pilots and other interested parties in those countries.
  3. Liability Insurance: The coverage area for USHPA's GL policy is limited to the US, Puerto Rico, and Canada. That coverage can be extended to other international locations for recreational trips up to 21 days for an additional fee. International coverage extensions are limited to Pilots rated H3/P3 and above. If you're an H3+/P3+ rated USHPA pilot and would like to apply for a travel coverage extension, please log in and complete the corresponding application on this pageNote: This is NOT travel insurance. It is a special extension of the existing USHPA third-party liability coverage only.
  4. Ratings: USHPA ratings are only valid in the USA. USHPA members no longer need to purchase an IPPI card. As of June 2023, the IPPI ratings can be found directly on the USHPA membership cards. Your digital card will show your membership expiration, USHPA ratings (bottom left) and IPPI ratings (bottom right). Here's a list of countries that recognize the IPPI card and ratings.

USHPA/IPPI Conversion Chart

Paragliding Hang Gliding
SafePro Para Stage
PG Rating
SafePro Stage
HG Rating
SafePro Para 1 P1 SafePro 1 H1
SafePro Para 2 P2 SafePro 2 H2
SafePro Para 3 P3 + TUR SafePro 3 H3 + TUR 
SafePro Para 4  P4 + TUR + RS  SafePro 4 H4 + TUR + AWCL 
 SafePro Para 5  P4 + TUR + RS + RLF + XC SafePro 5  H4 + TUR + AWCL + RLF + XC 
UR – Turbulence Signoff / RS – Ridge Soaring / RLF – Restricted Landing Field /AWCL – Assisted Windy Cliff Launch / XC – Cross Country

Additional Considerations for Tandem Pilots and Basic/Advanced Instructors

  1. Tandem pilots planning to fly outside the USA are reminded that the FAA Tandem Exemption #4721 only applies to flights conducted in the USA and does not authorize you to operate in other countries. While tandems may be allowed in some foreign countries, it is the pilot’s responsibility to verify and adhere to local laws.
  2. All tandem flight participants (even outside the USA) must have a current USHPA membership. Tandem Instructors (T3) must fly with current USHPA members with a student rating (H0/P0) or higher. At this time, based on the 2018 revisions to the Tandem Exemption, Tandem 1 (T1) rated pilots may only fly with Tandem Instructors. Flights conducted without current USHPA members may result in revocation of tandem and instructor appointments.
  3. Basic & Advanced instructors must only train current members of the USHPA. Training conducted without current USHPA members may result in revocation of tandem and instructor appointments.


Information for International Pilots Visiting the US

Click here for more information about USHPA membership options, who to contact and ratings. 


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