USHPA Regions

Data as of 5/31/2019

USHPA Regions Map

Region Boundaries

The United States is divided up into regions by the board of directors for the purpose of ensuring that directors represent pilots across the country. These regions are delineated so as to give consideration to membership population density, and were revised down to 5 in 2019. The areas associated with each region are:

Region States
1 Washington, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota
2 Northern California*, Utah, Nevada
3 Southern California*, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico
4 Florida, North Carolina, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Military - AE, AP, MP
5 Ohio, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, International (outside U.S.)

* Northern California: zip codes 93400-93499; 93600-96162
* Southern California: zip codes 90001-93399; 93514-93599

How do I know what region I am in?

Your region is based on your mailing address of record in the USHPA database. Review your electronic membership record using the online system. REGION is listed near the bottom of the screen. Use your membership number in place of "95133" in this example:

If you change your address your region number will be automatically updated.

** Note that your permanent membership card does not have your region number, since you do not get a new card if you change your address.

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