
Become a USHPA Contributor

1 - Send your idea to the editor
2 - Compile your content
3 - Sign Contributor Agreement
4 - Submit your content
5 - Get published
6 - Get paid!
Email [email protected] to propose your submission
Compile into a single folder. Submit photos separately from text document
Link to Contributor Agreement below - click the link your confirmation email to access the submission portal
Drop content from step 2 into the portal with your personal info as requested
USHPA Pilot  published:
Jan 1, Apr 1, Jul 1, Oct 1 of each year
USHPA pays you for your contribution


Contact the Editor

  1. Have a pitch but want some guidance? Contact the editor at [email protected]
  2. Have a correction from our last issue? Reach out to [email protected]
  3. Have a letter to the editor you’d like to see published? You get the idea…

Have a fully flushed-out story? Become a contributor for USHPA Pilot!

  1. Compile all the content needed for your story (story text, photos, photo captions) into a single folder (Please see the Submission Guidelines below).
  2. Photos MUST be submitted separately from the text document. Please submit them as individual files (.jpeg, .png. etc.) and NOT in a Word document or PDF. Word docs or PDFS with all the photos compiled will NOT be accepted (Please see the Submission Guidelines below).
  3. Make sure you are submitting the story text you’re happy with! Please do not make any updates to the document until the Editor contacts you about edits to the story.If something needs to be addressed, you can mention it at that time!
  4. Sign our contributor agreement (button below)
  5. Click the link in the confirmation email (check spam) to access our new submission portal.
  6. Grab the story folder from Step 1 and drop it in the portal.
  7. Add your name and email address, and submit your content!



Contributor Payment Policy

In 2024, USHPA has increased its contributor budget by 30%! Payment amounts depend on article length, photo resolution, number of photos, etc. To agree to a rate before publishing, please reach out to the editor at [email protected].

  1. For all editorial contributions there will be a standard pay rate determined by the editor and published on this USHPA website. This pay schedule will apply to both writing and photography/artwork.
    Exceptions: A) USHPA employees will not be paid for contributions. B) USHPA officials who write an article or submit photos as part of their job will not be paid (e.g. accident report articles).
  2. Payment will be made according to the terms of the Contributor Agreement and according to the published pay scale.
  3. If the author and photographer(s) for a particular article are two (or more) different persons payment will be handled separately and will require a signed contributor's agreement and an invoice from each person.
  4. After USHPA pays the invoice, the signed contributor's agreement will be kept on file in the USHPA office.
  5. Each editorial contributor will be entitled to three complimentary copies of the magazine issue his or her article appears in. If the contributor wants additional copies, he or she may choose to trade all or a portion of the contributor's fee at a rate of $5 per additional copy.

Policy on Authorship and Bylines

To ensure the best selection of quality material for the magazine, while also protecting the organization's interests and professional standards, the USHPA publications management team allows contributors to write under pen names with the following restrictions. This policy applies to all USHPA publications, including the magazine, this website, and any other forms of publication that might be offered now or in the future.

  1. All items sent for use in the news and information sections of the publications must be submitted and published under the author's true, legal name.
  2. All product-related items (i.e. gear reviews, new equipment announcements, etc.) must be submitted and published under the author's true, legal name.
  3. Any feature story that includes direct references to the author's pilot rating and/or special skills (as defined by the USHPA) or which contains material which call into question the author's skills and/or ratings, must be submitted and published under the author's true name.
  4. Any feature story that includes direct references to a third party pilot and their ratings and/or specials skills (as defined by the USHPA), must include the true name of the third party pilot. If the individual(s) described do not wish to have their names included, they may appeal to the editor for the use of a pseudonym. That appeal will be granted if:
    a) The name and current rating/standing of the pilot is not an integral part of the main story line.
    b) The story is primarily a "flying adventure"-style feature written for entertainment purposes rather than for skills building or to cover the technical aspects of flying.
    c) The pilot's pseudonym is used consistently for all such applications.
  5. Pen names may be used by authors for feature stories which focus on the joys and experiences of flight rather than technical details of the sports, provided:
    a) An author uses a single pen name for all qualifying materials submitted to USHPA publications (and the author's real name is used on materials that do not qualify for pen name use);
    b) The editorial task force is aware of the author's true name and pilot ranking;
    c) The story does not include material that may bring into question the author's rating or skill level, especially regarding tandem flights.
  6. The editorial task force is under no obligation to guarantee the secrecy of an author's real name if a pen name is used, but the members of the ETF will not readily volunteer the information.

Submission Guidelines


  • Submit as .doc, .pdf, or .txt file.
  • Include your title and name in the document.


  • Submit as high resolution as possible.
  • Submit as separate files from stories. Do not include photos in the story document unless you are also providing them as separate files.
  • Files as .jpg, .tiff, .png preferred but other formats will work.
  • Include a separate file (.doc, .txt) that lists a caption for each photo submitted.


More information is always better but must include:

  • Name of pilot(s)
  • Name of photographer
  • Photo location
  • (optional but helpful) A description of what is happening in the photo (e.g. searching for an LZ, So-and-so giving a briefing to pilots at the HG comp, Pilots so-and-so honing in on the core of a ripping thermal)

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