Editor's Page

Have a great story to share or some fantastic photos that deserve to be in print? The USHPA Pilot editor wants to hear from you!

Submitting Publication Material

USHPA Pilot - September/October 2019 Cover

USHPA welcomes editorial submissions from our members and readers. We are always looking for well-written articles, photos and quality artwork. Feature stories generally run anywhere from 1500 to 3000 words. If your topic demands more or less than this, you should discuss options with the editor. News releases are welcomed, but please do not send brochures, dealer newsletters or other extremely lengthy items. Please edit news eleases with our readership in mind, and keep them reasonably short without excessive sales hype. You are welcome to submit photo attachments, preferably jpeg files smaller than a megabyte.

Review the Editorial guidelines for submissions of columns, feature articles and photographs.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated. If you have an idea for an article, please get in touch at [email protected].

Fine Print

The USHPA magazine is published for foot-launched air-sports enthusiasts to create further interest in the sports of hang gliding and paragliding and to provide an educational forum to advance hang gliding and paragliding methods and safety. Contributions are welcome. USHPA reserves the right to edit contributions where necessary. The association and publication do not assume responsibility for the material or opinions of contributors.

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