Partner Member Benefit Policy

USHPA will, on a regular basis, attempt to find and secure membership benefits including discounts, free or temporary products and services, or generate affiliate programs that may benefit the Association and its members.

Selection of benefits is a process made in conjunction with the Membership & Communications Committee and the Office. The members are our number one priority in this process and we will do our best to make sure that we are providing benefits that our members prefer, provide real and perceived value, and that suit the needs and lifestyles of our large membership base.

Your comments and suggestions for potential benefits are welcome - please email us: [email protected]

About the Offers

The US Hang Gliding and Paragliding makes no determination of the quality of advertised services as these are between the service or product provider and the member taking advantage of the offer. The USHPA does not make any claims as to the duration of these benefits, as partners providing these benefits may make changes to their terms at any time.

To Become a Provider

USHPA reserves the right to publish such offers on a first-come first-served basis and puts a priority on the current USHPA advertisers that may make such offers. USHPA reserves the right to cancel the advertisement of such offers for any reason at any time with or without cause. USHPA will make no contracts other than those required by the providers to make such benefits accessible. To set up a membership benefit with USHPA, please send an email or written correspondence with your request on your company letterhead to: USHPA, PO Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901 or email: [email protected]

Benefit providers making changes to the terms and/or offer details should submit a written notice through email or US Mail (on company letterhead or company email) 30 days before the change goes into effect. A notice of these changes will be sent to the membership via email, website or US Mail.


To report abuse or provide insight about offers made by a provider of member benefits, please contact: [email protected] or mail to: USHPA, PO Box 1330, Colorado Springs, CO 80901

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