Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Brief answers to common questions organized by topic.

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Updated  02/14/2024



How do I get a 10-Day Temporary/Affiliate membership?

Temporary/Affiliate memberships for visiting pilots may be obtained from a USHPA certified school or instructor, an authorized representative of a USHPA chapter, or an event organizer at a sanctioned or ACE event.


When can I renew my USHPA membership?

Members may renew online beginning 90 days before the expiration of their current membership. If your membership has already expired, you may still renew online. As of August 1, 2023 all renewals must be completed through the online portal. The only exception to this rule is for minors who must still complete their membership applications via the paper process.


How do I join USHPA?

New members may join USHPA online. After completing the application, waiver and payment, members must have their memberships activated by a current USHPA instructor. The sign up and activation process can be reviewed in this video tutorial. *Those with international addresses and minors wanting to join and renew must currently renew on paper and mail forms into the USHPA office.


Why am I getting the error "Your email exists multiple times?"

This error appears when more than one USHPA member has an account linked to the email address you are trying to use. This is not allowed in our system as members require unique identifiers. A new email will need to be entered in your account in order to proceed.


Where is my physical membership card?

We no longer automatically issue a physical copies of membership card. Membership cards are fully digital and available in your member account. Physical cards may be purchased for $15 here.


What is the difference between the Rogallo membership level and the Pilot membership level?

The Pilot level is intended for the average recreational pilot and includes third-party liability insurance. The Rogallo level is for instructors and includes insurance when the instructor is either a Recreational Instructor (those instructors who NEVER receive any compensation), or a For Hire Instructor (those instructors who receive any amount of compensation) working for PASA-Certified Flight Schools.


How much does it cost to upgrade from Pilot to Rogallo membership?

An annual Pilot membership is $150 and Rogallo membership is $294. Upgrading is prorated at $12/month for the remainder of the membership cycle (including both the current month and expiration month).


What is the $15 rating fee for?

This one-time fee is for registration of your ratings with USHPA. It supports the interface in which ratings are stored and managed. The fee is not related to your member card or issuance of those ratings by instructors.




How do I become a USHPA certified instructor?

Basic instructor: Hold an Intermediate rating (H3) or above for hang gliding or an Advanced rating (P4) for paragliding, complete 40 hours of apprenticeship with a USHPA-certified instructor, attend and pass a clinic put on by an instructor administrator, complete the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) test, hold a current CPR/First Aid certification, submit a copy of your curriculum/syllabus, and upgrade to the Rogallo membership level. Advanced Instructor: Hold an advanced rating (H4/P4) or above for your wing, hold a Basic Instructor certification for at least 1 year, show a log of at least 6 students taught and rated to the novice (H2/P2) level, and hold a current CPR/First Aid certification. Tandem Instructor: Hold an advanced rating (H4/P4) plus the turbulence (TUR) special skill for your wing, show a log of at least 200 hours of air time or 500 flights, be at least 18 years of age, complete a written test, and attend and pass a clinic put on by a tandem administrator. This will get you to the intermediate step of a Tandem 1 (T1) rating that is necessary to become a tandem instructor. Next, successfully complete a 2-day tandem instructor clinic with a tandem administrator and log at least 25 tandem flights with a tandem instructor either during or after the clinic. Hold a current CPR/First Aid certification, submit a copy of your curriculum/syllabus, and upgrade to the Rogallo membership level if you haven’t already.


Why does my instructor certification expire at a different time than my yearly membership?

Instructor certifications are valid for three (3) years from the time they are issued with a year-end expiration. Memberships are annual and expire on the last day of a month (i.e. if you renew in October, your expiration will be October 31).


Can instructional tandems take place on non-USHPA-insured sites?

Yes. Site insurance is not required for tandem flights, but the site must have the following: a suitable LZ, with ample wind indicators, within a safe glide margin from the take-off area, that also affords ample clearance from hazards along the way including within the LZ itself. Per USHPA’s FAA tandem exemption, both occupants of the flight must also be current USHPA members (either full members or 30-day temporary members). When flying at uninsured sites, please keep in mind that there is no insurance support available for landowners in the event of an accident. Recreational Instructors (per the definition above) have professional liability coverage at all sites. For Hire Instructors do not have coverage unless they work for a PASA-certified school or have purchased insurance separately.


Does everyone have to fill out a 10-day form for each flight, even friends and family?

Yes, unless they’ve signed a 10-day form within the previous 10 days. Per USHPA’s FAA Tandem Exemption, both occupants of a tandem flight must be current USHPA members. Flying with waivered members is also a condition of the RRRG insurance policy. NOTE: USHPA's FAA Tandem Exemption does NOT provide an exemption for recreational flights with friends and family. It provides an exemption ONLY for instructional flights.


Can I be a USHPA instructor and live and teach outside of the US?

At the moment, USHPA is unable to administer any programs internationally. USHPA instructors must live in the US. Instructors can conduct clinics or tours abroad, but must verify compliance with local regulations. Please click here for more information.


Do I need to become certified by the Professional Air Sports Association (PASA) to instruct?

You are required to be affiliated with a PASA-certified school if you are a For Hire Instructor (those instructors who receive any amount of compensation for instructional activities) and you are providing instruction at a USHPA-insured site. You are not required to be affiliated with a PASA-certified school if you are a Recreational Instructor (those instructors who NEVER receive any compensation), even if you provide instruction at a USHPA-insured site.



Who can attend board meetings?

Current USHPA members.


When are board meetings held?

USHPA holds remote board meetings on a bi-monthly basis. You can find the date and time of the next meeting on the monthly board meeting page. In-person board meetings are typically held once per year. See date and location information on the USHPA board meeting page.


How is USPHA's board elected?

USHPA’s board is made up of 10 members: 8 elected directors with staggered 2-year terms, and 2 directors appointed annually by the board with 1-year terms. Any member can nominate another member between June 1 and September 1 each year. Each USHPA member can vote for up to 4 candidates. A candidate must receive at least 50 votes or win votes from at least 5% of the voters (whichever is greater) to move on to the second stage of the election process, the diversity algorithm. The algorithm uses a combination of number of votes and needed diversity characteristics to select the 4 election winners.


Who can run for the board?

All current USHPA members are eligible to run for the board, unless they have reached the 10-year term limit of sitting on the board (the counter resets after a 2-year absence from the board, after which time they may run again). Note that candidates are required to disclose any USHPA-related revocations or suspensions on the questionnaire..


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