Call for Nominations: Directors

USHPA is soliciting nominations for directors.

Nomination Deadline: Sept 1 at 5 pm MT

Submit your nomination online now! (member login required)

Do you know someone who...

  • ... is passionate about hang gliding and paragliding?
  • ... is strongly motivated to help with the protection and growth of free-flight aviation?
  • ... can both create and communicate goals to achieve their ideas, and then follow through on them?

Then please nominate him or her for the Board of Directors of USHPA! You may also nominate yourself. (You do not need to re-nominate current directors.)

Directors are the cornerstone of the US Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association. They develop policy to support the USHPA's mission and represent our members in the sports of hang gliding and paragliding. Under USHPA’s new governance structure, directors will have more ability to bring about change than ever before - and heightened responsibility to go along with it. In addition to the qualities listed above, we’re seeking individuals who...

  • can see the big picture
  • are willing to try new things
  • have ability to understand and work for all our pilots, regardless of any individual affiliations

The USHPA welcomes and encourages your participation in this process. We also encourage members with unique viewpoints (such as women pilots, younger or college-age pilots, instructors, etc.) to run and contribute their valuable perspective to the organization. Click here for more information on the national election process.

Director requirements include:

  • Participation in monthly board meetings via teleconference
  • Travel to board meetings once annually (some expenses reimbursed)
  • Active collaboration with committees
  • Representation of USHPA members, both regionally and nationally

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