ACE Accreditation Application

Completing an ACE application is the first step in the process of gaining event insurance for your event. Refer to the ACE Accreditation Manual for more information on planning and hosting a successful event.

Do I need event insurance for my event?

Review the guidelines in this document, ACE Event vs Chapter Event Guidelines, to help you determine if you need insurance or not.

Looks like I do need it - so now what do I do?

First get your event accredited then apply for your event insurance. Event insurance applications must be received by the Recreation RRG at least 90 days in advance for processing. 

Step 1: Submit an ACE application to USHPA

Complete the application at the bottom of this page. At this time, you will also pay your ACE event fee.

Step 2: Wait patiently while your ACE application is reviewed for approval by USHPA

USHPA will review and, if needed, contact you to discuss any details they think may present a challenge to getting insurance.

Step 3: Apply for event insurance with the Recreation RRG

When your event is approved for accreditation by USHPA, you will receive a confirmation email from the office. This email will contain a copy of your signed ACE event agreement and a link to the event insurance application. Complete your event insurance application and submit it for review by the Recreation RRG. Please allow up to 90 days for Recreation RRG review and the issuing of your event insurance certificates.

The ACE Application

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