We're Hiring!
USHPA is looking for an Executive Director. Read more

Call for Nominations: Directors
USHPA is soliciting nominations for directors. Read more

July Member Newsletter
Notes from James, summer magazine, director nominations and more. Read more

Event Calendar
Looking for a clinic, tour, or USHPA event? Check out the USHPA Event Calendar to see what's happening. Read more

Information for Tandem Students
Things to know before your first hang gliding or paragliding tandem flight. Read more

Benefits of Membership

Membership Card with Flight Ratings

USHPA Pilot Ratings

Members gain access to the USHPA Pilot Proficiency Program and can earn ratings. Read about ratings

USHPA Pilot Magazine

USHPA Pilot Magazine

Members receive quarterly issues of the USHPA Pilot Magazine in electronic and print copy. View the magazine



Members receive 3rd party liability insurance through RRRG. Members rated H3/P3 and above also have access to international coverage options for travel.


Discounts on Gear

Members rated H2/P2/S2 and above receive access to ExpertVoice, which provides discounts for industry partner brands! Get discounted gear (members only)

Partner Benefits

Partner Benefits

Members receive additional benefits through partnerships with other organizations and companies. View partner benefits

Governent Representation

Advocacy & Representation

Members are represented through partnerships with industry organizations and advocacy with major governmental agencies. Read more

The United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association's mission is to ensure the future of free flight. We encourage all those who wish to fly, whether it be hang gliders, paragliders, or speedwings, to join the USHPA as members, because together we can ensure the flying we enjoy today will be around tomorrow.

Learn to hang glide, paraglide or speedfly, achieve a rating, donate to our cause, fly with a tandem pilot, or teach others. Through certifications, information resources, specially negotiated insurance, competition sanctioning, partnerships with the FAA, FAI, NAA, and more - USHPA remains America's only nationally recognized free-flight governing body of these sports. Read more about USHPA

We'll see you in the sky!

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